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Monday, January 3, 2011

Year 2012 Mysteries

Will the world end in 2012? No, in spite of prophecies of both great destruction and of spiritual
upliftment for that time. Could it be the separation of the sheep from the goats foretold in the Bible
and other traditions? Perhaps, but it would depend on all of us allowing it to happen. The year 2012
is currently the focus of these predictions because it is the end of the Mayan calendar, which has
become very topical. So we should ask whether there is any supporting evidence for the timing of
events in 2012. The science is inconclusive about timing but supports potential drastic happenings
and change in awareness. The esoteric information is also mixed about timing, but optimistic about
disaster followed by spiritual renewal. Whatever evidence we bring together, it is apparent that we
are now in a very significant transition period for life on Earth. In wondering why, we should
consider the aphorism “as above, so below; as within, so without”.
Mayan Mysteries
The Mayan calendar has a decreasing scale in which the time taken for stages of evolutionary
development gets shorter and shorter. The current calendar cycle began in 3114BC and will end on
21 December 2012   1
The Maya saw 2012 as being a period of transformation to a higher human .
cycle, but not the end of the world. The calendar tracks the purpose and manifestation of creation,
which is a Divine Plan. 2 
Jose Arguelles says the calendar is also a galactic gauge that shows our
relation to the galactic community of intelligence. 3
 These are a broadening and deepening of our
consciousness, which is part of the Plan. By focusing on this development we help create it through
our own inner and outer progress. As we develop the progress accelerates, hence the decreasing
calendar periods. 
According to the Mayan calendar, we are now in the end period of a long evolution of life and
human capability. These final years till 2012 are an opportunity for great psychological and spiritual
transformation. However, it is not inevitable as it requires our cooperation and effort (e.g. focus,
alignment, commitment, oneness, love). Not everyone will reach the heights of enlightenment, due to
different stages of development. What is possible is the creation of “a new heaven and a new earth”.
In this transformation, the hand of Shiva may destroy the old in order to release the power of new
creation. But is there any scientific evidence of the potential for mass psychological transformation
as we approach 2012? Surprisingly, there is.
Most research into cycles finds correlations with cosmic periods, of sun, moon, constellations and
the interplay of their field energies. There is little of this in the Mayan calendar, with two major
exceptions. The first is that the calendar’s diminishing time periods correlate with a time scale based
on the Golden Section, one of the most common proportional scales in nature, consequently called
the Auric Time Scale. 4
 This scale in turn correlates with the 11.07 year cycle of solar activity, and
1-There are various calculations of beginning and ending dates, but these are the more recently and commonly accepted
ones. The cycle is also fractal, with a larger span beginning as far back as the estimated big bang of the universe and
ending in 2012. The calendar has 9 cycles of creation, each one being 20 times shorter than the previous cycle.
2-Alice A Bailey provides insight into this Plan in a number of her books, e.g. Esoteric Psychology I, p 170-78,
Discipleship in the New Age II, p 233-35, Esoteric Psychology II, p 649-57, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, p 120-22.
3-Jose Arguelles, The Mayan Factor, p 40-41.
4-Created by Dr Sergey Smelyakov, see for details and correlations. The ATS is defined by the Golden Section number and its powers, and correlates with most periods of phenomena in nature and human society
with various periods of Jupiter, Venus and Uranus. 5
The Auric Time Scale also correlates with major
historical events on Earth. The second exception is that the date 21 December 2012 is one of
alignment between Earth at solstice, the Sun and the Galactic Centre. Because of the slow movement
of the Galactic Centre relative to the Earth and Sun, this alignment has been in place at the 21
December solstice time since the late 1980s. Interestingly, some esoteric predictions say there is a
“preparation period” of about 25 years prior to 2012. 6 
The Mayans’ supreme God, called Hunab Ku, is located at the centre of the galaxy and they were
aware of the precession of the Sun’s ecliptic around the galactic equator. John Major Jenkins  7     claims that the latter cycle of 25,800 years marks the end/beginning points of Mayan calendar cycles   8,        next at the solstice alignment in 2012. The transit of this precession takes around 36 years and we are now
past the middle of it - it was exact in 1998. The galactic centre is at 27 degrees of Sagittarius and our
Sun is conjunct this every year in December - it will be exact on 19 December 2012. The solstice is
at 0 degrees Capricorn on 21 December. Consequently the alignment of Earth, Sun, solstice, galactic
centre and the ecliptic crossing of the galactic equator is not “exact”. However, given the gradual
influx and then receding of astrological influences, it does not need to be in order to have an effect.
The alignment only needs to be within a few degrees of arc, which it is.   9
So what is special scientifically about 2012? The only relevant period of short duration is the 11 year
cycle of solar activity, which reaches its maximum in 2012. Within this cycle, periods of maximum
solar activity correlate with aggressively active political and social events on Earth, while minimum
activity correlates with calmer times and peaceful changes. 10 
There are claims that solar activity is now more intense than it has been in the last 8,000 years, though this is an area of some  controversy.11 
Increased solar activity has been found to stimulate psychological change and spiritual  awakening.12
In his magisterial analysis of the nine Mayan calendar cycles (i.e. sub-cycles or stages), Ian Lungold
explained the recent world happenings as an acceleration of consciousness, creation and
civilization. 13
 The seventh cycle started in 1755 and was about the development of all forms of
power and a growing planetary consciousness. The eighth cycle started in 1999 and its consciousness
includes our planet in relation to solar and galactic energies. It is also about ethics superseding power
as a cultural practice. 14
 This cycle lasts until 2011, when the last one, the ninth, is to focus on
conscious co-creation, with divine inspiration, high intuition and universal awareness. Lungold
points out that the great acceleration of creation is putting us all under increasing stress, and that
while many will seek to opt out, there will be others who will rise above it into the intuitional,
5  The 11 year sunspot cycle is most likely a response to electrical pulsing from the galaxy. See Thornhill W & Talbott D,
The Electric Universe, Mikamar Publishing, Oregon 2007, pp 61&72.
6 This would be normal, as the movement of cosmic alignments that produce resonant energy peaks is a narrow but
gradual process of energy increase and decrease, rather than being an on/off switch. At some critical stage in the energy
increase, it may trigger events on Earth.
J M Jenkins, Galactic Alignment, Bear, Vermont 2002.
8  There are 5 cycles of 5125 years in 25,800 years.
9 The cross of the Earth solstice/equinoctial points currently aligns with a galactic cross, suggesting a further energy
influx or phase change that could affect Earth evolution. See and 
10 Correlations are at, in particular section 5 by A. Tchijevsky.
11  See and 
12 Ray Tomes cites 123 year and 600 year cycles that are also at their peak now. The 600 year cycle corresponds to the
rise of major religions and civilizations. See 
13  See for details.
14 Later calendar stages break new ground, but incorporate the product of earlier stages.
buddhic consciousness. To stay there we will need to practice the centeredness of oneness, or staying
in the Now. 15
 He also says that there will be great conflict and destruction in the transition to the new
Predictions About Change
Some claim that the many predictions about drastic Earth changes support the 2012 scenario, though
the timing is uncertain. These range from mainstream scientific to the psychic and channelled.
Unfortunately some of the latter appear to be contaminated by knowledge of the Mayan calendar,
evidenced by their repeating of timing mistakes in earlier published works.16
 Our modern science
warns us of global warming and climate change, the economics of energy and resource depletion,
ecological destruction, and the implications of high population growth with increasing per capita
demand. The rapid increase and combination of these can cause physical and ecological disasters,
political conflict and the collapse of aspects of human civilization, possibly within decades. This can
be compared to a number of spiritual predictions, such as the Bible’s Book of Revelation, of
sweeping disaster or Armageddon followed by enlightenment and the creation of a new heaven and a
new earth. Here we see the inner-outer connection of our psychology externalising into world events.
The above-below connection is also apparent as spiritual and cosmic influences affect Earth. If we
regard the Sun and the Galactic Centre as being the manifestations of magnificent divine beings, then
the above-below connection becomes clearer. We are living seeds in the divine oneness of their
purpose. New wine cannot be poured into old bottles lest they shatter, so the old is cleared away and
the new is established. It is a rule of progress. The clearing away is not absolute destruction, but is
radical transformation, of consciousness, of culture, of society and of global and galactic harmony.
Many psychically (or spiritually) received predictions foresee a cataclysmic period for the world
followed by regeneration and the creation of a “golden age”. It is like the ecological cycles of
growth, climax, crystallisation, breakdown and regeneration through which new ecologies develop.
However, people play a major causal role in the predictions, influencing the outcomes through the
manner of their current actions and response. Major predictions are summarised at Annex 1.
Scientific projections, models and predictions are plentiful in the various media. A significant model
that analyses global systems interactions is the CSIRO’s updating in 2008 of the 1972 Meadows et
al, Club of Rome Limits to Growth (LTG).  17
 By inserting global data for 1970-2000, the CSIRO was
able to see how the model’s projections had performed. The LTG has three scenarios, business-asusual, technological improvements, and improved human behaviour in tackling global problems. Of
the three, it is business-as-usual that is presently on track. The two potential “saviours”,
technological improvements and improved human behaviour, are well off track and have not
influenced global trends. The problem with the model’s business-as-usual scenario is that it leads to a
global systems collapse in the middle of this century. 
In Earth’s geological history there are periods of disaster and extinction, ice ages and solar searing of
Earth. 18
 There are many attempts to explain these cyclically and to assess when they could happen
again. Major Earth cycles correlate mostly with solar and cosmic patterns, and possible mechanisms
are discussed below. Predictions based on past happenings include devastation from asteroids or
comets, crustal slip, massive flooding, magnetic field reversal, severe planetary axis movement,
scorching from extreme solar flaring, and waves of cosmic rays, plasma and dust from the Galactic
15 Good advice is found in Eckhart Tolle’s books The Power of Now and A New Earth.
16 Geoff Stray has collated many of these predictions in his book Beyond 2012, Vital Signs UK 2005.
17 See and CSIRO is the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation of Australia.
18 Details are in Paul LaViolette, Earth Under Fire, Bear, Vermont 1997.
 Centre. Add to these the psychic predictions of the arrival of many space beings
, mass telepathy,
time travel and spiritual ascension, and the expectation of a major transformation is apparent.
But predictions are only probabilities, and these are affected by human behaviour. Scientists accept
this about global warming, and esotericists know it about “natural” disasters. What we are currently
awakening to in the Mayan 8
 cycle, of galactic consciousness, is the organic unity of life and
awareness throughout the galaxy, at all levels of consciousness. The levels, from divine to subhuman, and the varieties of beings in the galaxy, all interact as a beautiful aware super-organism that
evolves. Already there is evidence of communication from our space neighbours.
Galactic Mechanism
One of the more powerful and comprehensive theories of drastic Earth changes is the cosmic
superwave theory of Paul LaViolette.
 In this theory, the Galactic Centre explodes every 13,000
years or so and sends a spherical wave of cosmic rays and plasma at near light speed throughout the
galaxy. The evidence supports its effects on the solar system and Earth, such as the triggering of the
beginning and ending of ice ages, and mass extinctions. The superwave pushes interstellar dust and
comet debris into the solar system with a number of results. It increases solar activity, luminosity and
flaring up to 1000 times current levels. There is evidence that huge solar flaring has scorched the
surface of the Earth with high temperatures in the past, causing rapid melting of ice sheets, global
flooding, and mass extinctions.
 The superwave with preceding gravity wave can also draw more
asteroids into Earth’s orbit, and trigger earthquakes, volcanos and tsunamis.
Solar cosmic ray storms created by the superwave can induce geomagnetic reversals. One such
storm, 1000 times greater than we currently experience, would hit the Earth’s magnetosphere and
form radiation belts, creating a magnetic field opposed to Earth’s. This would reduce the Earth’s own
magnetic field, and if powerful enough would reverse its polarity.
The superwave is preceded by a gamma ray pulse 10,000 times stronger than from a supernova,
creating an electromagnetic pulse for a few minutes that would knock out most electrical equipment
on Earth. The timing of the galactic waves is variable and they are of varying strength. They can last
 Predictions about the photon belt are not included as they are a corruption of galactic superwave theory and are also
based on false cosmology. See Geoff Stray in Beyond 2012, p 199-202, Paul LaViolette at, and a summary article at .
Our sun does not rotate around Alcyone as supposed by photon belt proponents. This original error by 18
astronomer Johann von Madler was mentioned as supposition in Theosophical books by Blavatsky and repeated by
Bailey and others. See also However, we may be on the edge of a cosmic dust
 Apart from the extensive literature on extra-terrestrials and flying saucers, a “reply” to scientists sending an
information codex about human life into the galaxy was received as a crop circle pattern that repeated the codex with
variations that described a different DNA, physical structure of a living being, and solar system and planets. See Janet
Ossebaard, Crop Circles, Benign, Netherlands 2007, p.54-63 and and   A good account of extra-terrestrials is in Steven Greer, Hidden Truth
Forbidden Knowledge, 2006 and his website 
 See his website at Most of the predictions of the theory have come true, and it more effectively
explains events than alternative theories. Scientific explanations are in the website.
 For the theory’s explanation of global warming oscillations in relation to ocean currents, regional temperature changes,
Earth orbital changes and increases in greenhouse gasses, see the example provided in and the download link.
 Paul LaViolette, Earth Under Fire. An explanation of electrical effects is in D Talbot & W Thornhill, Thunderbolts of
the Gods, Mikamar Publishing, Oregon, 2005, and See for the connection between solar activity and earthquakes. 
from a few hundred to a few thousand years in direct impact.
 Clearly, if a galactic superwave was
to hit our solar system soon (and we are overdue for one
) then its impact would dwarf the current
influence of human behaviour on climate change. It would have a truly drastic effect on life on Earth
that would continue for a millennium or more.
While a Galactic Core explosion cannot be timed precisely to occur in 2012, the Galactic Core is
nevertheless a part of Mayan cosmology and its world ages, and hence of the calendar.
observations of the stars in various civilisations record recurrent cycles of Galactic Core explosions
that had devastating effects on Earth. An example with scientific support is an explosive outburst
about 13,800BC. Antarctic ice core records of a large acidity peak then indicate extraterrestrial
origin, probably from a superwave.
 We will know when the Galactic Core explodes because it will
appear as a blue star visible day and night. A Hopi Indian legend says that when a hidden blue star
appears, it will signify the end of one World and the beginning of the next World. The blue star also
corresponds to the Egyptian Eye of Ra or Horus that sends fire to Earth to destroy most of its people.
The Galactic Core “blue star” develops an oval surrounding and an inner “cornea” around the blue
“pupil”, giving an appearance of a cosmic eye visible from Earth and sending divine destruction to
its inhabitants.
Cosmic Psychology
The disaster scenario seems to be well covered scientifically, but what about the psychic and
spiritual? Geoff Stray and Paul LaViolette both refer to evidence of solar and cosmic influences on
human psychology. The evidence is scientific, different to that provided by astrologers.
 It links
extraterrestrial magnetic and electromagnetic variation with changes in ESP and spiritual awareness.
Twenty years of research at the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory in Palo Alto found that the
effectiveness of clairvoyance is nullified when the Galactic Centre is at zenith (a period from around
17.5 to 20 hours local sidereal time). The clairvoyant’s effectiveness increased by 400% to reach a
maximum during the period 12 to 14.5 hours Local Sidereal Time, when the Galaxy’s north pole is at
 Also, clairvoyance effectiveness is reduced when the solar wind speed is at maximum,
which is an indicator of solar activity that varies with the 11 year solar cycle. A mechanism for these
phenomena is indicated in Stray’s book.
All things and beings have electric, magnetic and potential electro-magnetic properties and all exist
within living fields of these energies. It is normal physics for all things to be influenced by the
greater energy fields of which they are part. Solar and cosmic energies directly affect electrical and
magnetic systems on Earth, such as electronic equipment, weather, and biological and human
behaviour. What if these physical energies are the manifestation of a higher, integrative conscious
being? We should consider this when assessing the following evidence.
The main mechanism for cosmic influence on human psychology as we approach 2012 is the pineal
gland. This gland is part of the physical manifestation of the Crown chakra, which is the centre for
transcendent enlightenment when active. The pineal is the physical “seat of the soul” in the body.
When, through meditation and spiritual practice, we begin to approach enlightenment, a magnetic
field is set up between the pineal and pituitary glands via their chakras. This forms the “third eye”, of
spiritual vision. Soul energies and consciousness then flow through the magnetic field, stimulating
the brain and hormone production.
 The pineal produces hallucinogens that have been called “God
hormones” or spirit molecules because of their effect in producing mystical states and psychic
abilities. The hormones are produced at birth, death, religious ecstasy, and near-death experiences
where there is out of body travel to spiritual realms beyond space and time.
The cosmic influence on the pineal is that these biochemicals vary with a number of cycles,
including daily solar, monthly lunar, annual solar and the 11 year sunspot cycle. The pineal and
sinuses contain concentrations of magnetite that enable detection of magnetic fields. Changes in
geomagnetism bring about changes in pineal and other brain functions.
 Experimental magnetic
induction on the pineal has increased psychic perception and revealed people and beings in other
dimensions. Natural geographical variations in geomagnetism at power points and ley lines foster
these abilities. They are also fostered over time by fluctuations in solar activity that alter
geomagnetism, and this has implications for 2012.
Cosmic dust has increased in the solar system, weakening its magnetic field. As the solar field
weakens, it allows more cosmic dust in, which in turn weakens Earth’s geomagnetic field. The sun’s
magnetic poles have in recent years rotated to be sideways, on its equator, reducing the strength of its
magnetic field.
 This weakness has allowed more cosmic dust in, which could increase by ten times
or more by 2012 creating a potential for a rapid decline in geomagnetic strength, as well as greatly
increased solar activity. This could powerfully influence human psychology. When solar activity is
high, people tend to see more ghosts, yetis, extra-terrestrials etc. When solar activity is low there is
more ESP of a quiet or profound nature. The cyclic increase in solar activity to 2012 will have a
variability that should allow both types of effect.
An esoteric view is that the galaxy is a divine conscious being, radiating energy and plasma in pulses
throughout its body. These are opportunities for physical and spiritual transformation of all the levels
of consciousness that the galaxy comprises. We know from the electric nature of the universe that
there are immense braided streams of plasma that link stellar and planetary nodes in a dense and

fractal network of energy.
 It is like the energy system of chakras, nadis and the acupuncture pattern
in the human body. This energy system controls the physical body and is in turn controlled by higher
level emotional, mental and spiritual energies. When enlightened, soul and spirit energies
predominate. So it is with the galaxy and its pattern of energy influencing solar systems and our
Earth. Energy/consciousness pulses along universal nadis to influence Sun and Earth. Periodic
galactic centre explosions, creating superwaves, is like the pumping of life blood to maintain its body
parts and to elevate their consciousness. We are part of a divine galactic being, subject to its divine
transformations. If the predicted Mayan timing of around 2012 is correct, then the prophecies of a
new cycle, of a new heaven and earth, could come true.
Morphic Fields
Physical structures and living things have higher frequency “bodies”, sometimes called etheric or
astral bodies, or morphic (morphogenetic) fields. All things are connected through resonance, all are
also holographic and all have a range of frequency levels. The higher frequencies are more
interconnected with like fields and can attune to more profound, universal and spiritual aspects of
 This applies to people, and as a general principle to all things. The prime causal influence is
from spirit and soul through personality, which comprises mind and emotions, to the etheric body of
chakras and nadis, then to nervous system, and then to the endocrine system and the blood. We can
call this line of influence the soul pathway. All is connected to all through spirit and soul, and this
allows divine inspiration and energy to flow into the human through the soul pathway. This means
that the higher frequency energies and consciousness that flow from the galaxy and sun can influence
us directly.
Mystical experiences and deep prayer or beliefs can alter morphic forms and hence our awareness
and our health. If the soul tunes to different frequencies then it can manifest different personalities at
varying levels of enlightenment. This is seen amazingly when multiple personalities occupy the same
body and its entire operation changes rapidly with personality.  There are cases where different
personalities in one body changed the presence or absence of diabetes, colour blindness, blood
pressure problems and hypertension, allergies, scars, rashes and warts, thyroid hormone deficiency,
and central nervous system problems.  The personality created the qualities of the physical body, and
the changes occurred within minutes of personality change.
We can understand how the morphic fields that link galaxy, sun, Earth and people are energy
channels for physical, psychological and spiritual transformation. Superwaves from the galactic
centre affect our sun and Earth, and as their activity increases, so does their impact upon the pineal
and upon our awareness, through the soul pathway. The esoteric and the scientific information
conform in their explanation of how increased solar and galactic activity around year 2012 could
lead to both physical destruction and spiritual transformation. But just as miracle healing can be
influenced via the soul pathway by prayer and deep belief, so we can influence transformational
activities on Earth. The more people who live and bring in the light which is love, then the easier will
be any transition. On the positive side, it will be the more the merrier, literally. Unfortunately, the
increased energies will also stimulate people living at lower chakra levels, bringing disorientation,
confusion and aggression.

We have chosen to incarnate at this time, to experience drastic Earth changes and the resulting
opportunity for boosted spiritual growth.
 What we make of it depends on how we practice spiritual
oneness and harmlessness, and on our co-creation of how we truly wish to live. 
A Personal Intuition
Imagine the wave of pure Love radiating from the heart of the galaxy. As it impacts our sun see it
trigger a wave of Love radiating from our sun throughout our solar system. As this impacts Earth see
the wave of Love radiating throughout Earth. When it impacts you, see and feel a glorious wave of
Love and joy radiate from your heart to all being.
Now see this from the galactic centre as all its stars and their planets and beings light up in dazzling
radiance and send their beautiful light back to the galactic heart. See this as a pulsation of increasing
and transforming Light (that is Love). Now see the purpose of the wave from the galactic centre as
transmuting energy. If it strikes a dark star or planet then the transmutation is at a more basic and
physical level. If the planet is more radiant the wave stimulates greater divine upliftment and
enlightenment. Earth is a darker planet
 and the loving energy of the wave includes physical
transformation – seen as destruction by some, reconstruction by others. Individuals respond to the
energies according to their light, some transcending spiritually and others needing to transfer to other
This pulsation evolves the galaxy, and we take part in it. We can consciously bring in greater Light
that is Love into our lives and into all of our planet now. The pulsation is ongoing and defines eras
on Earth. Already a galactic superwave is travelling from the galactic centre towards our sun and
Earth, and could arrive within 5 years.
 We have this time to mitigate the “worst” of the lower
physical and psychological effects of its transmutation, and to enhance our spiritual transformation.
To do this there are four things to remember:
1. We should “love God”, meaning all beings and all creation, with all our hearts, and allow
Love to guide us in its and our entirety. Only through Love can we ascend, and give our
offering of Light;
2. Make careful preparation for the range of potential physical happenings. Temporary
disruptions can occur to life support systems – serious and otherwise;
3. Know that Life is infinite, never ends and always evolves. Appearances of death or disaster
can hide their spiritual purpose;
4. We are not alone. There are wonderful Masters of the Wisdom, angels and our brothers in the
galaxy, our wise neighbours, on hand to assist the transformation. All are inspired and
directed by the Love of God, and have our enlightenment at heart.
A prophetic summary of these potential events is given by his Source in Ray Stanford, Fatima
Prophecy, Ballantine, 1988, p.164-165 as follows. He said that one to two thirds of humanity could
die depending on their true expression of Love:
“This miracle shall be a sign of the promise of the regeneration and hope of the world if men,
averting evil ways, selfishness, and materiality turn truly to Love, or God. But if the warning
and then the miracle are not heeded, the angelic forces and those from outside the Earth will
not modify the cosmic activity which will cause the solar exchanges in the extreme; and the
Earth will suffer three days – in a sense, chastisement, but it is karmic. However, even that
will cause, as the burning of the fire out of which the phoenix rises, an eventual refinement of
the race of man.
If the consciousness of man changes, through love and devotion, then, as the hearts of men
turn to God, so will the cosmic conditions change, through the activity of the angelic realm
and those physically from outside the Earth; and the “chastisement” will be averted or
lessened. The sun will react in a different way; the radiation will be subtle and gradual, and
the mutations more subtle, but just as positive in their nature. A new consciousness will rise
up among the children of men living in an age of peace.”